Monday, April 4, 2011

Speaking of Beautiful Paper...

While paroosing the folders on my computer I found an old word document which I saved back in the day with images and directions of how to make these awesome paper flowers. Wouldn't they be a fun Spring party decoration?

And now for the big How-To! 

You can use gusseted bags of any size for the hanging flowers; each flower is made from six bags.

1. Fold the bottom of a bag in on itself. Cut above the lower fold, removing the bag's bottom. Trim the top into a petal shape.
2. Punch a hole about 1/4 inch from the bottom. Repeat process with five more bags. Apply double-sided tape to the front edges of a bag. Place another bag on top, and repeat to stack all of the bags. Draw a length of string through the hole in the stack; knot it loosely.
3. Pull the top and bottom bags around to form a flower shape.
4. Join the end petals with double-sided tape. Suspend by string.

I beleive the images and text are from Martha Stewart.

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