Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Smith's Lip Balm

Oh it is so much more than lip balm... Have you ever used this stuff? Of course it is great on lips, but is also good on cuticles, dry elbows and most recently discovered... fly aways. I had to go to the DMV a few weeks ago to get a new license. I was in such a rush! I had forgotten about my 8:40 am appointment and accidentally driven to work instead of the DMV office. I realized I was not where I was supposed to be as I was walking up to the office. Ek-tastic! I frantically drove back home, picked up my paperwork and got to the ol' DMV with five minutes to spare. I was feelin pretty good till the guy behind the counter told me I would be taking a new picture. What, replace the picture of my 15 year old self?? Well, my hair was looking particularly spastic on this lovely day, bobby pinned and braided and whatnot. I quickly headed to the bathroom mirror and fixed my self up with some Smith's... Fingers crossed it the new pic turns out ok!!

image via KimGray.

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